Alright, here are a bunch of pics that I dont feel like organizing. I used to be able to see actual pictures in the new post window but now all I get is the html which I dont know how to read.
So, the first pic is the Ruggles scarf. This pic is just to show how shiny the yarn is. Its really pretty. The color however is not really accurate in either of the pics. The pattern is so pretty and seeing and feeling it makes me think it would make an awesome baby blanket. I'm glad I blindly tried this pattern.
Next should be pictures of my dinner. I didn't really want potato soup again, although it was awesome, so I made some quick chicken noodle soup. I think all in all it took about 30 minutes to make. I got all my ingredients chopped and ready to go. I put a little EVOO in the pot and then just added all the meat and veggies at the same time. I cooked it until the onions were translucent and the meat was almost done. Then I added about 2 C chicken broth. I also used my new Herbs de Provence with Lavender. Awesome! Violet loved it and ate almost all the carrots and celery. In fact, I have a bowl left and I ended up taking all the carrots and celery out of it so Vi could eat them! I am going to be sad if she stops liking veggies.
Next should be a messy pic of Violet and a cute bunny ear wearing pic of her. The messy pic is after she had waffles with black raspberry spreadable fruit. The bunny ears I bought just to be silly. Daddy loved them on her! (So did grandma Hendrickson when she came over today)
ok, I'm done knitting for the night, and I've watched enough men ice skating for the day too. I'm going to bed.
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