So, where have I been?
I haven't been blogging because I've been spending all my efforts and time with my business. I'm working on flyers/postcards/business cards/licensing right now, and when I'm done with all of that, I need to research software, create a website, create a facebook page(why not), buy clothes, and for goodness sake get my rear in gear! It also wouldn't hurt to have a babysitter on call.
Anyway, I've got lists galore and I've pushed back my open date to May 24th... :( Which I'm pretty upset about, though I feel like I will be pushing it back at least 1 more time.
So, as far as I'm concerned, blogging is at the bottom of my priorities for now.
I did make some really yummy food recently. I've not even scratched the surface with Violet's quilt and lately I feel like I've thrown "be a good wife and mother" right out the window.. :(
By starting your business, you're being an excellent wife and mother. You're contributing to the household.