Sunday, May 30, 2010

So, uh, ouch....

First day of the workout and holy crap, my abs hurt for a whole week! So, I took the week off. And I'm going to start again, with less fire, easing my way into it. I'm thinking about doing my regular pilates routine and throwing in a small amount of the crunches.

The first work out calls for 3 sets of 20 reps of 10 different ab exercises focusing on upper, lower+obliques, and all(upper/lower/obliques) and good Lord that's a bitch. 600 crunches to start off, good thing I only did 200 b/c I was SO sore!

I cant believe I used to do an extra 500 2x a day on top of all that craziness! No wonder my waist-line was 23.5" NOT WORTH IT! ouch.

I will try to get Justin to take my picture soon and I will measure myself as soon as I start up this week. I've been putting on the lbs recently too, so I guess that will make the end results more dramatic.

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