Sunday, March 7, 2010

Violet's Quilt

Ok, the first idea I had for the quilt was to take all of her baby clothes and make a basic quilt using 4" squares in no specific pattern. Justin seems to think this wont work because its all jersey knit cotton(the t-shirt kind). I think I have a remedy for this problem thanks to the plethora of crafting websites out there. I am having some difficulty deciding on what to use for the backing though. I have a couple ideas but I need to do some more research first to see what other people may recommend.

My uncle had a quilt made for his grandson out of his old Navy uniforms and I thought it was SO cool that I wanted something sentimental for Violet as well. Even though this comes nowhere near close to how cool that is, its a start. I can guarantee that if we have another baby I will be getting new baby clothes either from my purchases or from the 3 sets of grandparents and my generous family who think they have to buy stuff for everyone. (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this about them! If I had money, I'd be the same way no doubt about it!)So, I don't think I'll be needing my current clothes. Plus, I may have a boy or a baby in a different season.

Anyway, I'm only posting this because Justin and I are getting our tax return back soon and I was thinking that I could finally afford fabric. I have a bunch of fabric picked out and a pretty cute quilt idea for it that would be only around $100...yeah, quilts are expensive even to make yourself! The one I made for Becca was WAY expensive. But totally worth it because its awesome!

So here is my question that I am taking way to long to get to:

Should I buy new fabric, and have it be trendy and cute?
Or, do I use all of Violet's old clothes and make it sentimental?

I will definitely be saving a few outfits for her to use or just enjoy when she is older. I have a few outfits from when I was a baby and I love having them. I planned on my daughter wearing them one day but they were all the wrong season. I was born in July and Vi was born in Feb...maybe my next baby??(Justin? Huh?? --oh wait, he doesn't read my blog)

So, thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I think either would be a good idea. I do have to say that I really like the idea of using her clothes for the quilt. So that's my vote.

    But, if you end up choosing to use all new fabric for it, I think it will still end up being sentimental for her because YOU made it for HER.

    I used to have a quilt when I was younger that my grandmother made. I loved it just because she made it. She didn't even make it just for me, it was for the whole family.
